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Statement from the national VOICES Coalition Lambasting Senators Manchin, Hoeven and Colleagues for FERC ProPipeline Letter

Senators Joe Manchin (D-WV) and John Hoeven (R-ND), joined by two Democratic and 21 Republican colleagues, called on the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC or Commission) to approve “without further delay” natural gas pipeline projects currently before the Commission for Certification. The letter urges the immediate approval so the proposed projects cannot be slowed by current attempts to strengthen FERC’s environmental justice and climate policies. The move demonstrates the indifference of the authors to the real impacts pipeline projects have on communities, especially low income and communities of color, and on our ability to mitigate the effects of climate change.

“Senator Manchin and his pro-pipeline colleagues should be deeply ashamed of themselves. They were elected to office to represent the people of their states and our nation.With this letter they are taking a firm stance to help the pipeline industry run roughshod over the needs and rights of people, communities and future generations. FERC is a known Rubber Stamp of pipelines, approving over 99.3% of all projects before them for approval.The pipeline companies, with FERC’s help, have stomped on environmental justice, property rights, peoples’ rights, environmental rights, state’s rights, and the rights of future generations to a safe and livable climate,” said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, and a founding member of the VOICES Coalitionwho organized a Congressional briefing held today to highlight needed reforms to address abuses of power and law by FERC. “Senator Manchin’s home state of West Virginia has been among those hardest hit from pipelines like Mountain Valley and Atlantic Coast.The pipeline companies don’t need Senator Manchin’s help; the people of West Virginia and our nation do.The pro-pipeline letter is a stunning abuse of Senator Manchin’s position as an elected official; he is clearly working for the pipeline companies that have contributed so generously to his political coffers rather than the people of West Virginiaand our nation who he is supposed to be serving and protecting,” added van Rossum.

Read the full press statement here.


VOICES Coalition holds Congressional Briefing on needed FERC reforms
Hourlong briefing outlined the abuses of Power and Law inflicted by FERC

Washington, D.C. The VOICES (Victory Over InFRACKstructure, Clean Energy inStead) coalition today held a virtual Congressional briefing to call upon Congress to undertake meaningful legislative reforms to the Natural Gas Act to address the ongoing abuses of power and law by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) when it comes to their rubberstamp approval of fracked gas infrastructure projects. Participants included Congressman Jamie Raskin, Congresswoman Nanette Diaz Barragán, nonprofit representatives, and members of frontline communities impacted by natural gas pipelines and their infrastructure.

Read the full press release here.


Over 80 Groups call on Congress to Demand Needed Reforms to FERC and the Natural Gas Act

Washington, D.C. – 81 organizations from across the nation have called upon Congress to undertake meaningful legislative reforms to prevent the ongoing abuses of power and law by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) when it comes to their rubberstamp approval of fracked gas pipeline projects. The organizations are all part of the VOICES (Victory Over InFRACKstructure, Clean Energy inStead) coalition and have been calling upon Congress for over 6 years to investigate FERC and put into place needed Natural Gas Act reforms.

Read the full press release here.


Community members, NGOs Put Federal Energy Regulatory Commission on Trial
Community representatives testify to FERC’s history of abuse & Demand Congressional action

Washington, D.C. – Community members and organizations from across the nation took the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) to task today at a virtual hearing for the agency’s years of abuse and bias. Organized by the VOICES (Victory Over InFRACKstructure, Clean Energy inStead) coalition, the People’s Hearing provided a forum for testifiers to speak out against the harms FERC has inflicted against the environment, communities, property owners and states in its approval of pipelines and fracked gas infrastructure. This is the second People’s Hearing the coalition has held after years of calling on Congress to hold hearings into FERC’s abuses of power and law.

Read the full press release here.


200 Groups Nationwide call for Moratorium on Pipeline Construction & Approvals During COVID-19 Crisis
Concerns over COVID-19 spread and strain on emergency and medical resources mount as industry oversight is relaxed

Read the full press release here.


Amicus Brief Filed to Challenge FERC’s use of Tolling Orders

Washington, D.C. – On January 17, theDelaware Riverkeeper Network, PennFutureand other environmental organizations, represented by Earthjustice, filed an amicus brief with the United StatesCourt of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit to challenge the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) use of tolling orders.

Read the full press release here.


120 Groups Call on Congress for Immediate Action on Pipeline and FERC Reform

Washington, D.C. – Accusing Congress of now being “complicit in the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) abuses” against communities, the environment, states’ rights and future generations because of the impacts fracking and FERC fracked gas pipelines have for climate change, 120 organizations representing over 400,000 people from pipeline impacted communities from across the nation once again have called on Congress’ Energy and Commerce Committee to undertake congressional hearings to investigate FERC and put in place reforms of the Natural Gas Act.

Read the full press release here.


Pipeline Installation on National Mall Highlights Need for Congressional Hearings on FERC Abuses of Power
Eminent Domain, Refusal to Consider Climate Impacts among Issues Represented in Coalition’s Exhibit

Washington, D.C. – A sprawling tangle of pipelines on the National Mall spanning 50’ and rising 20’ into the air is bringing attention to documented abuses of power by the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) and the need for Congress to intervene. According to VOICES, a national coalition fighting natural gas infrastructure, communities across the nation are being abused at the hands of FERC. This display, featuring 10 interwoven “fracked gas pipelines”, will be complemented by flyering and meetings with members of Congress and their staff.

Read the full press release here.

SAVE THE DATE— May 6-9, 2019

The VOICES (Victory Over In-frack-structure, Clean Energy inStead) coalition is planning an art installation, lobby days and action in Washington DC, May 6-9, 2019. The centerpiece of our event will be a living sculpture on the National Mall, right on Congress’ doorstep that will illustrate and enumerate the harms done to our communities by pipelines and related fossil fuel infrastructure. We’ll use the sculpture as a jumping off point and conversation starter to meet with key members of Congress and ask them to hold hearings and open an investigation into FERC (the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission) and their many assaults on our rights and the rights of nature.

You can suggest stories to include in the sculpture here.
Let us know you’re coming and ask questions about travel, housing and more.

Thousands Tell Congress to Hold Hearings into FERC Abuses
“181 groups signed on to a letter urging the incoming Congress to hold hearings into the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) abuses. The organizations signed on to the letter, submitted by the VOICES coalition, represent communities who have been and are being harmed by FERC’s misuse of its authority.”

View the sign on letter here.


Thousands Tell Senate to Reject B. McNamee as FERC Commissioner

“Bernard McNamee isn’t just a fossil fuel advocate, he is radically opposed to environmental protection.  In the recent video video obtained by Utility Dive he characterizes environmental protection laws and regulations as being tyrannical and crushing the American Spirit.  McNamee’s opposition to protect our climate, environment, and the rights of the people is the true tyranny and there can be no justification for any Senator, especially not one that professes the importance of property rights, states’ rights and peoples’ rights, to vote in support,” said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, and a leading member of the VOICES coalition, a national coalition opposing the advancement of FERC approved infrastructure and calling for Congressional hearings and FERC reform.

See the 64,000+ signatures, including 135 organizations from across the nation, submitted by VOICES, Delaware Riverkeeper Network, Berks Gas Truth, 198 methods, Beyond Extreme Energy, Climate Hawks Vote, Green America, and Friends of the Earth –all urging a “No” vote on McNamee, here:


FERC Denial of Rehearing Request Paves Way for Newest Court Challenge to PennEast Pipeline—Delaware Riverkeeper Network Files with a Number of Precedent Setting Issues
“We knew that it was just a matter of time before FERC would deny our rehearing request, they have never granted such a request to any third-party pipeline challenger.  Despite submitting our rehearing request January 24, seven months ago, we have been unable to file our lawsuit using the Natural Gas Act’s proscribed appeal mechanism until FERC officially denied the request.  FERC has clearly violated the law on multiple fronts, from failing to demonstrate a legitimate need for the project, to ignoring critical issues such as the climate changing impacts of the project,” said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper and leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network.  “While we are sure that we will ultimately succeed in the courts, the concern in the meanwhile is that FERC has approved the use of eminent domain against landowners and is sure to approve construction as soon as legally possible.  So, to some degree, this is going to be a race to defeat FERC’s approval of the project before it is too late.  That is why ensuring that the Delaware River Basin Commission, US Army Corp, and states of New Jersey and Pennsylvania fulfill their legal obligations with regards to this project, including saying ‘no’ because construction will inevitably violate state, federal and basin commission laws, is so essential.”


Nationwide Coalition Calls on Congress to Leave FERC Seat Vacant
“ ‘With Robert Powelson’s exit, FERC will be unable to approve pipelines where there is a 2 to 2 split among the Commissioners over key issues like climate change and the misuse of eminent domain authority,’ said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network and leading member of the VOICES coalition.  ‘And so it is time for members of the U.S. Senate who are concerned about FERC’s failure to consider the climate change impacts of the fracked gas pipelines it is rampantly approving, who are concerned about the Commission’s misuse of the power of eminent domain, and who recognize that the agency has a demonstrated bias in favor of the fossil fuel industry that needs to be addressed, to stand firm against the confirmation of Donald Trump’s replacement for FERC Commissioner Powelson until needed reforms to the agency’s process have been identified and put in place by Congress through Natural Gas Act reform.’ ”

Read the letter to Congressional Senators here:
The VOICES coalition delivers a message to the Senate to use the current FERC vacancy to stand for people and communities

FERC Commissioner Powelson Resigns Via Tweet.Pipeline Opponents Applaud, Urge Senate to Learn Its Lesson
After just 17 months in office, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (FERC) Commissioner Robert Powelson announced his resignation just before 5 p.m. Wednesday evening, June 28, 2018.  His resignation comes as welcome news to community groups and environmental advocates who have been calling on Congress to investigate abuses of power at the Commission…

In a letter to FERC, the VOICES Coalition criticises FERC’s abandonment of its obligations to analyze upstream production and downstream effects of natural gas on climate change under the National Environmental Policy Act.

VOICES coalition comment challenges FERC public comment process regarding pipeline reviews


Coalition to FERC: We Demand Hearings and More Time for the Public to Comment


FERC’s Proposed Pipeline Certification Review Process Is Nothing More than a Dog and Pony Show, says Coalition
Commission Ignored More than 10,000 who Called for Robust Public Participation Process

FERC’s critics, and two commissioners, say new comment policy will hurt landowners
“This is a clear announcement by FERC that they intend to proactively work to further limit access to impacted residents and community members to participate in the review process over pipelines even if  they missed the short window of public notice FERC provides.”
– Maya van Rossum.


NYDEC v. FERC & Millennium Pipeline, US Court of Appeals for Second Circuit, 3/12/2018

This denial indicates that states must affirmatively deny Clean Water Act 401 Certification applications within one year of written receipt, otherwise they would lose the ability to deny it at a later date- despite the fact that the applications may still be under review, and no formal decision is ready to be made.

In response to the recent announcement in which FERC plans to review its pipeline review policy, environmnetal organizations signed onto a letter put forth by the Delaware Riverkeeper Network, identifying 8 key concerns that needed to be addressed by the commission to demonstrate a real commitment to reform.

Read the sign on letter here:
Time for a Pipeline Review Process Where People and Our Environment Really Matter

Federal judge puts a pause on Mountain Valley Pipeline construction plans

“With just a few hours remaining until Thursday, the day that Mountain Valley Pipeline had hoped to start work on a natural gas pipeline through Southwest Virginia, a judge put a pause to those plans.

The decision by U.S. District Court Judge Elizabeth Dillon came during a proceeding in which Mountain Valley had sued nearly 300 property owners who refused to surrender their land for the controversial project.

Although the laws of eminent domain give Mountain Valley the power to obtain forced easements for its buried pipeline, Dillon ruled, she rejected the company’s request for immediate access to the parcels.”

From the Roanoke Times

Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper, and Karen Feridun, from Berks Gas Truth in conversation on Mrs Green’s World:

On the Scene – Episode One: FERC/Pipeline Review – Protesters Fighting for Citizen Rights (2018-01-23)


FERC Rubber Stamps PennEast Pipeline
Communities Vow They Will Defeat the Project

“If anyone thought that new leadership from FERC Chairman Kevin McIntyre or the addition of Commissioner Richard Glick was going to make one bit of difference in the indefensible rubber stamp FERC would grant to all pipelines put before it, they should now be disabused of that notion.  From a lack of need to its devastating impacts on the environment, to the demonstrated false, misleading and missing information provided by the PennEast companies to FERC, there is no way to support approval of this project.  And so our grounds for legal challenge are strong and we will pursue them.  We also have many other battle fronts, including preventing permits from the state of New Jersey, defeating permits issued by Pennsylvania, and preventing approval by the Delaware River Basin Commission.  We will fight on and we will win,” said Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper and leader of the Delaware Riverkeeper Network.  

Read the full press release here


Protesters Post List of Eight Key Reforms to Ensure “Meaningful Fixes” to Approval Process at FERC Headquarters.

“History tells us that this announced review by FERC will not result in more protections for communities and our environment,” said Maya van Rossum, leader of the regional Delaware Riverkeeper Network which is currently battling over a dozen FERC fracked gas pipeline projects. “It will in fact result in an easier review and approval process for the pipeline companies and the fracking industry they serve. If Chairman McIntyre truly wants a better process, then he will honor all 8 of our demanded reforms. But, if this is just another dog and pony show designed to serve the industry, we are making clear that we are engaged, informed, active, and will fight to protect our environment and communities, for both present and future generations.”

Read the full press release here

Read the 2018-02-12 Sign on Letter

Related News Articles
Pipeline opponents suggest reforms to FERC
Green Groups Suggest Major Reform to FERC Pipeline Review Process
FERC Protest: 200+ Groups Demand Changes To Toothless Pipeline Review Process


Following the Thursday announcement by FERC Chariman Kevin McIntyre, Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper issued a response stating that people ought to be deeply skeptical about any environmentally-friendly steps FERC may be making: “Anyone who is saying this bodes well for communities, the environment and FERC review of pipelines has their head in the sand.”

Read the Full Press Release here:
Statement by Maya van Rossum on FERC’s Announcement of Pipeline Policy Review


On Monday, December 18, 2017, 80 organizations called upon Congress to challenge the Trump administration’s stance on fossil fuels, the tax bill, and its overall anti-environmental agenda.

Read the full press release and sign on letter here:
Environmentalists Urge Congress to Challenge Trump Agenda

Hot Action: (UPDATED 2018-01-08)

We are at a critical time for our movement. After almost a year without a quorum at FERC, we now have Commission of Trump appointees deciding the fate of communities across the country facing fracked gas infrastructure projects.

Our coalition has made many strides forward over the past year, however, we are now facing constant indications that the new FERC Commission is planning to make things worse than ever—for example: FERC to begin overt attack on states’ rights when it comes to pipelines: Trump officials examining states’ authority in pipeline delays

FERC is advancing quickly, and we need to get organized and ready to resist the onslaught NOW.

Join us this January 19th and 20th for an in person strategy session, where we will convene communities, leaders, activists and experts to share experiences, best practices, and develop the mutual strategies that we will all be in engaged in for 2018, and that will enhance each of our local battles on the ground as well as the collective battle against the abuses of FERC.


PLEASE FILL OUT THIS FORM by the end of Tuesday, January 9th, if you are planning to attend the Strategy Meeting

This is a NEW form as of last Thursday. If you have already filled out the previous form and indicated uncertainty for either of the days, please fill out this NEW form to confirm you plans.

(If your response has not changed since you filled out the original form and you are not planning to participate in the actions planned around the FERC meeting on Thursday the 18th, please email and say “no change”.

Fri, January 19 to Sat, January 20, 2018
(potential action on on the 18th at the FERC meeting)

St. Stephen’s church,
1525 Newton St NW,
Washington D.C. 20010

(Accommodations available for up to 100 people — $11/night/person)

Hot Action:

September 20th FERC Protest in Washington D.C.

“The abuses of power and law by FERC grow with each passing day. It is time for the Congress to step up and hold hearings to investigate. Congress then needs to propose real reforms. The time for us to transition to clean energy is now. We need to leave our remaining fossil fuels in the ground.”
– Maya van Rossum, the Delaware Riverkeeper

Read the full article here:
Stop the Trump Dirty Energy Agenda —Congress Must Act to Stop Trump’s Dirty Energy Agenda, Including FERC & Its Fracked Gas Pipelines and Infrastructure

Click on the links below for supporting documents regarding the September 20th FERC Protest in D.C:
List of Endorsers for this Day of Action (2017-09-18)
Organizational Sign On Letter to Congress (2017-09-20)
Individual Sign On Letter to Congress (2017-09-20)

Press Release:
Activists Deliver Strong Message to Congress and FERC (2017-09-20)

2017 Pipeline Webinar Series: Defeating Shale Gas Infrastructure

  • Register and full webinar series here: LINK

Go to this link to write Representatives and Senators Immediately.

Delaware Riverkeeper Network Opposes Senate Bill 1460 – the Dirty Energy Bill:

Organizations Urge Delay in Hearings on FERC Commissioner Nominations – Request Investigation Into FERC Abuses Instead.  

Hot Action Roundup — learn what happened at the Peoples Hearing and Use the Information to Speak Out:  

Join the Call For Congressional Hearings Into FERC’s abuses of power and law.

Write your Congressional Electeds and Senators today

To hear testimony on some of the many ways people are being abused by this rogue federal agency view and read the powerful testimony from the December, 2016 Peoples Hearing held in Washington DC

Letters from Congress Urging Trump to Restore FERC Commissioner Quorum Draws Swift Rebuke from 136 Organizations Representing Communities Nationwide:

Delaware Riverkeeper Network along with 180+ Organizations from 35 States Call for Congressional Review of FERC

183 organizations representing communities across America called on leaders in the Senate Energy and Natural Resources Committee and House Energy and Commerce Committee to hold congressional hearings into the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission’s (FERC) extensive history of bias and abuse. The groups are also requesting reform of the Natural Gas Act, which the groups say, gives too much power to FERC and too little to state and local officials.

The letter addressed to Chairman Fred Upton (R-MI), Chairwoman Lisa Murkoski (R-AK), Ranking Member Frank Pallone (D-NJ) and Ranking Member Maria Cantwell (D-WA), signed by 182 community organizations representing communities in 35 states of Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Florida, Georgia, Kentucky, Louisiana, Maryland, Massachusetts, Minnesota, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, North Dakota, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, South Carolina, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, Vermont, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin, West Virginia as well as the District of Columbia, argues that FERC’s review and approval process for jurisdictional pipeline projects is infected by bias; and that it is resulting in uncontrolled and irresponsible proliferation of unneeded natural gas pipelines. Finally, the letter charges the agency with misusing provisions in the law to strip people and states of their legal rights, to prevent fair public participation in the pipeline review process, and to improperly use the power of eminent domain to take private property and public lands in a way that inflicts unforgivable harm to rights, jobs, and communities.

The letter details how FERC has implemented the Natural Gas Act in ways that deliberately undermine public input. FERC has prevented communities from challenging projects before the exercise of eminent domain and pipeline construction, made decisions to benefit its Commissioners, and used conflicted consultants to handle much of the review process.

In addition to calling for hearings into FERC and the Natural Gas Act, the letter opposes any further advancement of language in the Energy Policy Modernization Act of 2016 meant to shorten critical pipeline review periods. Signers of the letter argue that the proposed law should be held in abeyance until after the hearings, where Congress will learn “how people’s rights, state’s rights, and the environment are already being abused under the implementation of the Natural Gas Act and so will be further harmed by passage of provisions proposed in the new law.”

Upon Congressional review, DRN and fellow parties demand the reforms necessary to address FERC’s extensive abuse of power, which requires revising the Natural Gas Act to prevent the misuse and exploitation that has been rampant. Additionally, the organizations seek affirmative action to remedy FERC’s problematic funding structure.

New York Rejects 401 Certification for Constitution Pipeline. 

Read New York 401 Cert Rejection Letter HERE