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Take an important action today:

Stay tuned for Fall 2024 action opportunities

Fracked gas pipelines and fossil fuel infrastructure projects are proliferating across the country, causing extensive damage to our environment and communities, putting our health and safety at great risk. You have the power to influence decisions that will impact your livelihood by engaging with your legislators, government officials, and other policy makers. Write a comment, sign onto a petition, and make a call to Stop the Pipelines!

Advocating is simple and easy. Let your voice be heard by taking part in the following actions below:

Week of Congressional FERC Reforms Action Kickoff Rally
Aired April 26, 2021  7:00pm – Watch here:

Berks Gas Truth and the Delaware Riverkeeper Network of the VOICES Coalition host a call to kickoff a week long action directed at getting Congress to make substantive reforms to FERC and the Natural Gas Act. Discussed here are strategies, tips, and tools to be used during the week of action to get Congressional attention.


Week of Congressional FERC Reforms Action
April 26 – April 30, 2021  May 3rd

Join in for a week of targeted calls to legislators, social media actions, and twitter storms to members of Congress to get their attention on the abuses of FERC, the reforms needed, and why they should join the briefing! More details coming soon.

Toolkit –

Congressional Briefing on the Abuses of FERC and Needed Reforms
May 4th, 2021 12:00pm

On May 4th at 12:00pm, the VOICES coalition (Victory Over Infrackstructure, Clean Energy inStead) is hosting an hour long briefing for members of Congress to outline the abuses of power and law inflicted by FERC, and the legislative reforms needed to address them. The briefing will feature frontline community as well as key leaders in this effort, including Congressman Jamie Raskin. Please join us for the briefing to show Congress the breadth and strength of our coalition working for FERC reform. You don’t have to be speaking to show support!

Registration is required.

Join us on May 4th, 2021 at 12 pm for a Congressional Briefing to reform FERC